Debt Review Awards Peer Review Criteria Chats
Each year members of the debt review industry who are registered with the National Credit Regulator are invited to complete a series of peer reviews about their industry peers on the opposite side of the industry. Over the years the criteria have been refined. This year the Covid-19 pandemic has been added into the reviews as an additional factor.
Credit Providers
Join 2 well known Debt Counsellors and a Debt Review expert Attorney in the first Criteria Chat discussion about the criteria used in each year’s industry-wide peer reviews of credit providers:
Join a well-known Debt Counsellor and a respected Credit Provider Debt Review Department Head in this Criteria Chat discussion about the criteria used in each year’s industry-wide peer reviews of Payment Distribution Agents:
In this Criteria Chat a Credit Provider, Debt Counselling Specialist Attorney and longtime Debt Counsellor trainer discuss what makes a “good” Debt Counsellor and what it is that is looked at in the annual Debt Review Awards Peer Review of Debt Counsellors.
Visit for more Criteria Chats in the future.