Liddle & Assoc.

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Quintin Zimmermann (previously a Director of Zimmermanns Inc) and Robyn Liddle – Zimmermann (previously a director of the now Balsillies Strauss Daley Inc and Velile Tinto Cape Inc) started their practice in September 2009. Both being attorneys representing Banks previously, they had both experienced a crisis of conscience and started their new consumer-centric legal practice, specialising in consumers.

 Liddles decided not to represent banks, credit providers or any big corporate interests as this detracts from their vision, creates a conflict of interest and compromises their ability to represent consumers effectively.  Consumers need to realise that their interests need to be solely protected in every aspect of the law including conveyancing and litigation.

Addressing consumers, Liddles say: ” USE your right to chose and do not be influenced by banks or estate agents to use a certain attorney.  This is your right.  USE YOUR VOICE!  Our encouragement and education of consumers to realise their rights does not make us very popular amongst conglomerates because they always wish to ensure their interests are protected at the expense of yours.  Fortunately for YOU they are not our business. Our exclusive legal practice specialises in YOU”.

Quintin and Alan

Quintin Zimmermann at the Debt Review Awards held in Cape Town  (also shown: Debt Counsellor Alan Manshon). Liddle & Associates have been proud sponsors of the event since it’s inception.
