


Maximus is the leading Debt Counselling system. Not only does it provide for the calculation of plans and generation of documents, but Maximus is the only system that uses a strong CRM engine to guide the debt counsellor to process their cases each step of the way. With Maximus it is impossible to miss a deadline or forget a client.

Maximus does so much more, from credit bureau integration so you do not need to capture the consumer’s debt to affordability guidelines that help you assess the client. Maximus has a comprehensive set of plans, including DCRS, that cater for every eventuality.

Maximus is developed and run by Debt Counsellors and so all users of the system benefit from years of experience in non-system related Debt Counselling Challenges. As a Maximus user, you get a support infrastructure that will assist you with running your practice.

For more information or a no-obligation demo, please contact Maximus on 011 451 0041.