Thank You For Your Help

Thank youThe Debt Review Awards has been around for a number of years now and has grown and changed over time. For example, we used to have an expert panel weigh in on the top nominated firms in the industry, now the process is done via an industry Peer Review. Where the results were at first made public in Cape Town now the venue of the Awards gala shifts between major cities. In the past, there were only 3 Debt Counsellor Award categories and now there are 5. We could not have made these improvements without feedback from the industry and individuals.

In particular, we want to thank members of BASA including individual Bank Debt Review Departments, DCASA members, AllProDC members, MFSA, Employees at the NCR, Representatives from the University of Pretoria and various Debt Counsellors, such as Neil Roets of Debt Counselling firm Debt Rescue. The process would not be where it is today without their kind advice.

Neil DR Clearance 2

Debt Counsellor and Award Winner Mr Neil Roets of Debt Rescue Handing out clearance certificates at the Annual Debt Review Awards.


Each year, after the process is complete, we ask the participants and even the public in general how we can improve. Last year we ran an online poll on this very site and on social media and with media partners, which helped us refine the process once again for this year. Many of the fine suggestions made via that poll and from emails received from those in the industry were implemented in this year’s process.

Some contributors, like Neil Roets of Debt Rescue and winner of two awards over the years, were even willing to fly across the country at great expense and meet in person with the team to make suggestions on the process and refinements. For example, Mr Neil Roets’ (of Debt Rescue) suggestions in regard to having more Debt Counsellor categories and also reducing the amount of PDA categories – which were echoed by others in the industry and implemented this year. Engagements like this have really helped the process improve.

We want to thank all who took the time and went to the effort of helping over the years. and look forward to your feedback again this year.

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